When the wind and waves are right, you know it's time to drop everything and head out. Whether it's dawn patrol, mid-day, or a sunset session, low tide waits for no person.
Only in our dreams is it head high and glassy with pitching peaks and long lines where there’s no crowds to fight and the warm sun and salt water soaks in. If you’re one of the really lucky ones, you may get a handful of days like this a year.
So how do we scratch the itch of cruisey perfection on the daily? If you're wondering what skateboard is most like surfing
, we've got the setups for you. While you're restless during a flat spell, too surfed out, or dreading throwing on 4/3 in the chilly air, turn your local streets into concrete waves for days with a setup that leans like a surfboard and gives you all the same feeling depending on what conditions and style you like to ride.
Longboard setups that ride like a surfboard
Pintail 46 with S10 trucks (the big boys), 85mm Orangatang Caguamas Wheels, + Cell Prime Bearings.

Surfing off the coast of Jersey and the shores of various places we've had the honor to travel holds a special place in our hearts. It's the inspiration for our Pintail 46.
The Pintail 46
is our longest board. It'll be the beefy ride in your quiver.
**The real feels**: Paired with S10 200mm trucks, the Pintail 46 packs all the cutbacks and carves of your favorite shred stick. No wax required here.
Derringer 28 with S8 TRUCKS, Powell Peralta Snakes, + Cell Prime Bearings.
Any road becomes rippable with the Derringer 28. Designed to replicate pumping down the line, this power-packed mini longboard generates powerful carves all while being super responsive.
**The real feels**: Your favorite floaty thruster in shoulder-to-head high fast, pitchy surf. Top-to-bottom in-the-pocket turns, fins loose at the top. Zero concern about the crowd. Setup with the Powell Peralta Snakes, you're sure to slash around even when there's no surf.
Looking for something a little longer (maybe even with a kick?): Derringer 33. When the waves aren't cooperating, the Derringer 33 satisfies our need for sweet, quick carves thanks to its tapered kicktail.
Pintail 37 with S8 TRUCKS, Blue Orangatang 4 President Wheels, + Cell Prime Bearings.
The Pintail 37 is the closest you can get to that real rail-to-rail surfing feeling. The concave shape and lack of camber gives you a strong yet flexible ride, for super slashy carves and long drawn out turns. Add to it some Orangatang 4 President wheels, and you've got a pure driving vibe.
**The real feels:** Gettin’ groovy on a 2-3 foot day on your favorite twin-fin retro fish. Since the Pintail is flatmounted (without risers), the result is a board that lays down lower than other boards of similar breeding for a super stable ride that still rides rail-to-rail. Get low. Lean in.
Arbiter KT with Paris V3 Trucks, 65mm Liam Morgan Blood Orange Wheels, + Cell Prime Bearings

This Arbiter KT setup is one for the powerhouses. With concave, kicktail, and an asymmetrical shape, you’ve got freedom and control all while flying downhill and into aggressive slides.
**The real feels:** Tapping into your inner Mick Fanning at PUMPING J-Bay. Power turns and in the pocket barrel riding while punching 13-foot Great Whites in the face. Enough said
Arbiter DK with Paris V3 Trucks, Orangatang Skiff 86a Wheels, + Cell Ceramic Bearings

If you can't ride the lip of a wave, slashing across your backyard pool coping is a great way to come full circle. Enter the Arbiter 36 DK. The surfboard of street decks, the DK is a mixture between your favorite short board and a wide magic carpet made for carving bowls and getting air.
**The real feels:** The DK combines the technicality of street skating and the smooth feel of surfing all too familiar to longboarders and makes for a consistent ollie and pop-shovit machine.
When the waves aren’t firing, we strive to create boards that ride like the next best thing to the real deal. Hope to see you in the water and on the hill!